What is enzymes?

1. What is special about ZINNIA VTOX EZYME ?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a powerful natural nano enzyme crafted with advanced Japan NANO Technology. With just 1 gram per sachet, this concentrated formula is highly effective, delivering 10 times the efficacy! Experience its remarkable benefits as it efficiently flushes out toxins and uric acid from your body, relieves constipation, and addresses concerns related to belly fat and obesity. Each sachet is individually packaged for your convenience, eliminating the need for brewing. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to a Simple and Effective solution!

2. What is enzymes?

Enzymes play a crucial role in our bodies. They are essential for maintaining normal bodily functions, supporting cellular metabolism, promoting regeneration, aiding in decomposition, and facilitating digestion, among other important tasks. Not only are enzymes vital for overall human health, but they can also contribute to weight loss efforts.

3. Does ZINNIA VTOX EZYME's detoxification function mean that it will eliminate nutrients from the body as well?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is designed to cleanse the intestines, effectively removing stubborn toxins and excess fat from the body while preserving essential nutrients. By softening and eliminating these harmful substances, ZINNIA VTOX EZYME can support you in achieving a healthier physique.

4. What are the safety guidelines for ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is made with a unique improved formula and high-quality enzymes, ensuring long-term consumption without side effects. It follows strict quality control guidelines, free from animal ingredients, harmful chemicals, and prohibited substances. It is tested, approved, and certified by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) and has been granted a HALAL certificate by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

How to consume?

5. What is the recommended dosage?

It is generally recommended to consume 1 sachet of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME before breakfast with warm water. However, if you experience a strong detoxification effect or have a sensitive stomach prone to acidity or discomfort, you can take 1 sachet after breakfast instead. The detoxification effect typically occurs within 8-12 hours after consumption, allowing you to adjust the timing based on your preference.

If you prefer taking it before bedtime, 1 sachet can be consumed before sleep, as it can work in conjunction with the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms during sleep, leading to a more pronounced detoxification effect.

Individuals with severe constipation (lasting over 3 days), obesity, or an acidic body constitution are recommended to take 1 sachet in the morning and 1 sachet in the evening to achieve the best detoxification effect.

6. How long does it take to see results with ZINNIA VTOX EZYME? Are there any other benefits?

Results vary for each person, but typically you’ll experience the effects of promoting bowel movements within 8-12 hours after taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME. Once issues like faecal impaction and constipation improve, you’ll notice a reduction in belly fat, bloating, and edema within 3-7 days. Continuously taking it for 2-4 weeks may lead to noticeable changes in your body shape.

7. Can ZINNIA VTOX EZYME be taken together with other supplements or medications?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is made from 100% pure natural high-quality plant enzymes, containing various natural plant extracts and nutrients. It primarily helps promote gastrointestinal motility, regulate gastrointestinal health, and achieve detoxification and weight loss effects.

Since ZINNIA VTOX EZYME doesn’t contain any medicinal ingredients, it doesn’t have any side effects. This reduces the likelihood of interactions with other products. To ensure the best results, it’s recommended to take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME at least 1 hour apart from other products.

8. Will taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME cause diarrhea? What could be the reason if the feces expelled are watery or unformed?

Taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME will not cause diarrhea. If you have watery or unformed stools during the consumption period, it could be due to a high level of toxins, excess moisture, or severe edema in your body. Continued use of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME can help regulate your body. Typically, once the toxins and moisture are cleared, your bowel movements will return to normal. During this period, it is recommended to avoid spicy foods, drink plenty of warm water, which can help promote gastrointestinal motility and accelerate the elimination of toxins and moisture.

9. Will there be abdominal cramps after taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME helps promote intestinal motility to achieve natural detoxification effects. If you are just starting to take it and there is a buildup of fecal matter or toxins in your body, you may experience strong gastrointestinal motility, which can be mistaken for abdominal cramps or frequent bowel movements. Generally, these symptoms will ease after defecation. 

This condition is usually experienced at the beginning of the consumption period or may occur after consuming spicy or heavy foods. It’s recommended to continue using ZINNIA VTOX EZYME to help regulate your body. During this period, drinking plenty of warm water throughout the day (around 2.5 liters in small amounts) can aid in toxin metabolism. Once the toxins are eliminated, your bowel movements will return to normal, and the abdominal cramps will be relieved.

10. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME has slimming effects. Is dieting or exercise required to achieve these effects?

For more noticeable weight loss effects, it’s recommended to undergo a 3-month treatment with ZINNIA Products. For individuals classified as obese (BMI index above 28), take 1 sachet of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME in the morning and evening.

During consumption, strict dieting isn’t necessary. You can continue with your regular meals, but eat at a moderate pace, chew slowly, and stop at about 70% fullness. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day (about 2.5 liters in small amounts) and avoid eating after 8 PM or late-night snacking. For enhanced results, you may incorporating moderate exercise and complementing with ZINNIA MCT Coffee.

11. How long does it take to see results in slimming after taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

For more noticeable weight loss effects, it’s recommended to undergo a 3-month treatment with ZINNIA Products. For individuals classified as obese (BMI index above 28), take 1 sachet of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME in the morning and evening.

Obesity can be categorized into different types, such as edematous, adipose, muscular, and cellulite types. Different methods are required to target each type of obesity in order to achieve desired fat reduction and weight loss effects.

Edematous obesity occurs due to poor digestion, resulting in water stagnation in the body without proper circulation and metabolism. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME contains enzymes that effectively promote gastrointestinal motility, regulate gastrointestinal function, and improve digestion. A healthy digestive system enhances nutrient absorption and metabolism, leading to weight loss in a short period.

Adipose (fat) obesity is characterized by excess body fat, which can lead to inflammation, decreased organ function, and slow metabolism. To address this, it is recommended to combine ZINNIA MCT COFFEE and ZINNIA VTOX EZYME for better fat burning and detoxification effects. This combination helps burn visceral fat, improve inflammation, and accelerate metabolism, resulting in more significant weight loss.

Once the desired condition is achieved, the product can be taken every other day to support the body’s detoxification and overall well-being.

12. Can ZINNIA VTOX EZYME be taken for a long period of time? Will it cause dependence? Are there any side effects?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is not a medication and does not contain any pharmaceutical ingredients. It is made with natural plant enzymes, ensuring it has no side effects and does not cause dependence. Continuous use of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME helps improve gastrointestinal motility, supports the body’s natural detoxification process, and contributes to overall health while effortlessly maintaining a toned physique.

13. After achieving the desired body shaping effect by using ZINNIA VTOX EZYME, is it necessary to continue taking it?

This depends on individual dietary habits. If you regularly consume high-fat, high-calorie, and unhealthy foods, or if your diet is not consistently healthy, it is advisable to continue taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME to help manage fat intake. Once you have achieved your desired results, it is recommended to take 1 sachet of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME every 1-3 days to maintain a healthy physique

14. After finding relief from constipation by using ZINNIA VTOX EZYME, is it necessary to continue taking it?

For individuals who have been troubled by chronic constipation, if your diet still lacks sufficient nutrition and fiber, discontinuing the use of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME may result in inadequate nutrient intake and a gradual decline in gastrointestinal motility, leading to a return to your previous bowel movement state.  Overtime, toxins and fecal matter can accumulate once again. Therefore, after achieving the desired results, it is recommended to continue taking 1 sachet of ZINNIA VTOX EZYME every days to supplement the body with essential enzymes and maintain a healthy physique.

15. Can children consume ZINNIA VTOX EZYME ?

The ingredients used in ZINNIA VTOX EZYME are derived from fruits and vegetables, and the enzyme components can help promote gastrointestinal motility, improve constipation and digestive problems, leading to a healthy detoxification effect. Moreover, this product contains antioxidant ingredients that effectively safeguard cells against free radical damage and support healthy cell growth. Since children are in a phase of growth, it is recommended for them to get their daily nutritional requirements from their regular meals.

16. Can individuals with stomach problems take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

Stomach pain, gastric wind, and bloating are often due to stomach lining inflammation and excessive gastric acid, resulting in discomfort and burning sensations in the gastrointestinal tract. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME contains rich enzymes and various vitamins that can help repair gastrointestinal function, improve gastrointestinal motility, enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, reduce inflammation, promote detoxification, and boost metabolism. Although ZINNIA VTOX EZYME contains ingredients such as lemon enzymes and plum enzymes, the acidity level of its components is not high, so it does not irritate the stomach or increase the burden on it. Therefore, taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME does not cause stomach pain. For individuals with stomach sensitivity, it is generally recommended to take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME after meals.

17. Can pregnant women take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a food product derived from fruits and vegetables. Its enzyme components can promote gastrointestinal motility, improve constipation, and address digestive problems, resulting in a healthy detoxification effect. Moreover, the product contains antioxidant ingredients that protect cells from free radical damage and support healthy cell growth, making it suitable for pregnant women, particularly during the stable stage of pregnancy. However, due to the unique circumstances of pregnancy, it is advisable for pregnant women to consult their doctor before taking it to determine the appropriate nutrients and dosage.

18. Who can benefit the most from taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

In today’s modern lifestyles, many people have poor dietary habits and lack regular exercise, which can have a negative impact on gastrointestinal health and weaken the immune system. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a health food product that includes a variety of enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins. It not only provides essential nutrients for the body but also aids in eliminating harmful free radicals, enhancing bodily functions, and improving resistance. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have a poor diet, lack exercise, experience gastrointestinal issues, or suffer from chronic constipation.

19. Who is not suitable for taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a food product rich in natural fruit and vegetable extracts that aids in detoxification, regulates gastrointestinal health, and enhances immune system function. Additionally, it contains antioxidant ingredients that effectively protect cells from free radical damage and promote healthy cell growth. It does not have any negative effects on the body, making ZINNIA VTOX EZYME suitable for most individuals. However, it is not recommended for end-stage cancer patients or individuals in critical condition. 

However, it is not recommended for end-stage cancer patients or individuals in critical condition. Although the product consists of natural ingredients and does not interfere with the disease, it is advisable for patients to consult their doctor before consuming it to determine the appropriate nutrients and dosage.”

20. Is it suitable to take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME during menstruation?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a food product made from fruits and vegetables, and it does not have any negative effects on the menstrual cycle. However, some women may experience abdominal discomfort during their period, and when starting to take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME, may potentially cause stronger intestinal movements. If you don’t mind the possibility of increased intestinal activity, you can continue taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME as usual during your menstrual period.

21. Does taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME for women lead to a cold constitution?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is a balanced organic whole, and the fundamental reason for physical weakness is an imbalance of yin and yang. A cold constitution is characterized by an excess of internal yin energy, leading to yin-yang imbalance. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is a combination of various fruit and vegetable extracts, primarily consisting of enzymes and antioxidants. It has a neutral nature and does not possess a cold property. Therefore, it does not cause the body to become cold.

22. Can ZINNIA VTOX EZYME be taken during the postpartum recovery period or while breastfeeding?

During the postpartum recovery period and while breastfeeding, it’s crucial to take care of your body, especially when it comes to replenishing blood and maintaining a balanced diet. A balanced diet, including high-quality protein, is recommended to support postpartum recovery and promote milk production. It is generally safe to take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME in moderate amounts during the postpartum recovery period. However, for breastfeeding mothers, it is advised to wait for a 2-hour interval between taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME and breastfeeding.

23. Can individuals with hypertension, hyperglycemia (diabetes), and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) take ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

The underlying cause of these conditions (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia) is inflammation occurring in the body. ZINNIA VTOX EZYME contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health, making it suitable for individuals with these conditions. If you are taking medication, it is recommended to maintain a 1-hour interval between taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME and other medications.

24. Does ZINNIA VTOX EZYME promote liver detoxification?

ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants that support liver detoxification and metabolism. As a result, it can help promote liver detoxification and assist in liver repair, ultimately improving liver health.

25. Can vegetarians consume ZINNIA VTOX EZYME?

Certainly! ZINNIA VTOX EZYME is derived from natural plant extracts, making it suitable for vegetarians without any issues.

26. Does taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME cause constipation instead?

Did people who didn’t have constipation experience a lack of bowel movements after taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME ? This situation usually occurs because of: –

  1. Gastrointestinal sensitivity: ZINNIA VTOX EZYME contains natural enzymes and vitamins that support intestinal motility and gastrointestinal function repair, improving digestion. In individuals with gastrointestinal sensitivity, some temporary reactions may occur during the initial stage of consumption, such as increased intestinal movements, flatulence, or occasional constipation. These are normal responses as the body adjusts and promotes toxin metabolism, which can temporarily affect the intestinal wall, causing changes in movement patterns.
  2. People who don’t drink enough water: When you take enzymes, they help move waste through your intestines by acting like little brushes if you don’t drink enough water, your intestines may not have enough moisture, resulting in dry and hard stools that make it difficult to have bowel movements. 

If these situation, It is advised to keep taking ZINNIA VTOX EZYME to regulate intestinal function, eliminate toxins, speed up metabolism, and promote intestinal repair. During this time, it’s recommended to limit the intake of oily and spicy foods. Ensure adequate hydration by drinking approximately 2.5 liters or 8 cups of water per day, preferably in small amounts throughout the day.

27. After taking enzymes, your stomach may make "gurgling" sounds, and you may experience more frequent bowel movements?

These reactions are considered normal and are a result of the beneficial effects of enzymes in promoting bowel movements and detoxification.

The detoxification process of enzymes includes the following principles:

  1. Facilitating the digestion and breakdown of food into smaller molecules, promoting detoxification through bowel movements.
  2. Enzymes contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, which can absorb water and soften hardened stools, making them easier to pass.
  3. The dietary fiber in enzymes can adhere to accumulated waste on the intestinal walls, promoting intestinal peristalsis and eliminating accumulated waste.
  4. Enzymes can promote the growth of probiotics, strengthen the body’s own probiotic flora, improve the intestinal environment, and prevent fecal accumulation in the intestines.

    It’s important to note that enzyme detoxification is not equivalent to diarrhea. Enzymes can help eliminate accumulated waste, and some people may experience reactions similar to diarrhea, but it is fundamentally different from regular diarrhea.

The detoxification process of enzymes involves expelling accumulated toxins from the body, regulating gastrointestinal function, and repairing damaged gastrointestinal cells. After enzyme detoxification, individuals should not feel uncomfortable or weak; instead, they should feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

28. After taking enzymes, there may be a situation similar to diarrhea?

For individuals with generally low immunity, weak intestinal function, severe accumulation of fecal matter, or excessive dampness, during the process of using enzymes for regulation, it is more likely to experience bowel movements similar to diarrhea. However, unlike regular diarrhea, after the detoxification process with enzymes, the body will not feel uncomfortable or weak. On the contrary, the whole person will feel very relaxed & refreshed.